Thursday, March 20, 2014


Identify the shape of the following 3D figures and write the number of faces, edges and corners for the same



Fill in the blanks
1.A computer is a __________________________.

2.A computer works on_______________________ and  makes our work  _______________and______________.

3.By pressing the keys, the keyboard sends data to the ______________.

4. CD-ROM used to store ____________________.

5.__________________ receives data from the keyboard and does all calculations.

6.A computer can solve _______ within a short _____________.

7. _______________helps us to listen to music, sound etc.

8.Write the full form
 a) VDU _________________________________
 b) CPU _________________________________
 c) CD-ROM ______________________________

9.VDU is the another name of ____________________.

10.A ______________________ displays the words typed with            keyboard.

11.As we move the mouse, an arrow called ___________________
     moves on the screen.

12. CPU  is the ____________ of the computer.

13. A mouse has a ______________.

14. The mouse is connected to a CPU by a ______________.

15.___________________ helps us to take prints on paper.

16.The four main parts of the computer are
    1. _________________ 2._____________________
    3.________________  4.______________________

17. A monitor looks like a ____________________ screen.

18. ___________________ helps us to draw pictures on computer.

19.A monitor is an ___________________ device.

20.___________________ and __________________ are input devices of the computer.

21. A desktop computer is also known as___________________

22.A ____________________ computer is kept on lap.

23.An _____________ mouse does not require mouse pad.