Wednesday, June 29, 2016


                                   CHAPTER  -  MEMORY

            Fill in the blanks

  1.  CDs can be three types .They are ___, ____ and ____
  2.   ____ looks like CD but is capable of storing six times more data than a CD.
  3. _____can store 25GBof data in a single layer.The blue laser is used to read this disc so it can run only on a ____
  4.   ____ are available with storage capacity from 256MB to 1 TB.
  5.   A computer understands only _____language which consists of digits__ and ___
  6.    The binary digits are called ____
  7.           8 bits make one ___
  8.     Write the full forms     (a)    DVD      (b) ROM     (c) RAM      (d)PROM                                                       (e) EPROM       (f) USB    (g)CD
  9.                        ____uses electrical signals to read or write data.
  10.                        Arrange the following in increasing order                                                    800MB      56KB       900Bytes      200 TB       100ZB     21PB   11EB


                                CHAPTER -- MEMORY

Fill in the blanks

1.     The two types of memory of the computer are ___ and ___. 

2.     ____ is also known as internal memory or main memory.

3.     ____ is a temporary memory or volatile memory.

4.     ____ is permanent memory or non volatile.

5.     The two types of ROM are ____ and ____

6.     RAM is also called ____/___memory.

7.     In order to store large amount of data permanently, ___ memory is used.

8.     ROM stores a special software called _____ which helps to load the operating system.

9.     _____ stores the data and instructions which are in current use only.

10.                        _____ stores instructions permanently even when the computer is switched off.

11.                        ______ is also called as auxiliary memory or external memory.

12.                        ____ is a magnetic disk with huge storage capacity and fitted inside the CPU box.

13.                        ____memory ,once programmed cannot be changed.

14.                        ___ memory can be erased exposing to strong ultraviolet light and high voltage electric pulses.